How to configure Ruby on Rails 7, Postgresql and pgadmin with Docker
I needed to configure Ruby on Rails 7, postgresql with pgadmin with docker. You can follow this method -
1. Download the project first or git clone.
git clone
If you clone you have to change your repo name later from .git/config file
2. Rename the project name as your wish
mv rails-7-docker-template-with-postgresql your_project_name
3. Change directory -
cd your_project_name
4.Update your rails version on the Gemfile -
source '' gem 'rails', '7.0.3'
5. Update Ruby version on Dockerfile -
FROM ruby:3.1.2-slim
6. Now install new rails app -
docker-compose run app rails new . --force --database=postgresql --skip-bundle
7. Build the docker image -
docker-compose build
8. Update database details on config/database.yml file.
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
host: postgres
username: postgres
password: password
pool: 5
<<: *default
database: dev
<<: *default
database: dev
9. Run -
docker-compose up
10. wait little bit see your eyes on the console, it should show -
Puma Listening on Pg admin Listening at: http://[::]:80 (1)
11. It will take time to load. Keep patient. After then then open another terminal and create a database -
docker-compose exec app rake db:create
12. Browse http://localhost:3000.
13. Browse http://localhost:5050/ . You can login on pgadmin. username: password: password
14. Add database connection on pgadmin. You need your postgres_container IP address.
docker ps
copy hash code of postgres_container.
docker inspect fcc97e066cc8 | grep IPAddress
15. after login on pgadmin add connection. Write host IP address. username: postgres password: password
16. now you can start work on your project.
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